Main pageNews “Women Governors: Strategy for Regional Performance and Growth” International debate club
September 21, 2018. St. Petersburg
International debate club titled “Female Governors: Strategy for Regional Performance and Growth” took place in St. Petersburg on September 21 2018 as a part of Eurasian Women’s Forum.
With Ugra’s governor Natalia Komarova as a moderator, the debate club included women participants from all over the world. Among the participants of the round-table discussion were the Chairwoman of the Congress of Local and Regional Authorities of the Council of Europe, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of South Africa in Russia, and women leaders from Russia, Kazakhstan, Moldova, Serbia, Botswana, Norway, UAE.
The Club's agenda included the discussions on the topics of "Ensuring peace and security, building a peaceful, just and free from social barriers society", "International and interregional cooperation", "Women's contribution to the new technological way".
Upon discussing the aforementioned topics, the participants of the international debate club have adopted a declaration with an intent to establish a Eurasian association of women - regional leaders.
“Our harmonious coexistence, dialogue of cultures, humanitarian and economic partnership are huge resources for peaceful, sustainable development and mutual enrichment of nations. The Eurasian Association of Women - Regional Leaders may also become a promising tool for unlocking the potential of such cooperation. It will help to establish contacts and exchange the best practices between leaders on municipal and regional levels, parliamentarians, entrepreneurs and community leaders, and develop civil societies in our countries through the prism of "female" diplomacy," - Natalia Komarova’s comment on this decision.