A meeting of the Council of the Eurasian Women's Forum was held in the Federation Council
In April 2024, a meeting of the Council of the Eurasian Women's Forum under the Federation Council of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation was held. In the course of the Council meeting, the projects considered were: “Women-researchers in innovative healthcare,” “Women for the preservation of traditions,” “Women in media space.”
According to the initiators of the project “Women Researchers in Innovative Healthcare,” the project's objective is to promote the creation of conditions for more active entry of women into the scientific and technological environment and the creation of an ecosystem of opportunities. Health care, where women are represented in large numbers, has been chosen as a pilot sector.
The project “Women for the Preservation of Traditions” was a continuation of the joint action of the Council of the Eurasian Women's Forum and the National Center for Historical Memory under the President of Russia. The essence of the project is to organize a marathon of the same name in social networks, during which participants will discuss family traditions. The result of the project is planned to create a content of Russian traditions and its integration into public, educational, educational and outreach activities. “This topic has found a wide public response, including foreign participants. We will hold an international festival of traditions at the forum and will further develop this project together with foreign participants,” Galina Karelova explained.
The project “Women in the Media Space” is aimed at the formation of a women's media community, development of women's contribution to the information space.
Additionally, during the meeting of the Council summarized the results of the All-Russian Women's Forum “Women: Preserving Traditions - Developing Russia,” held in early March in Moscow. According to Galina Karelova, it became the main “preforum” of the Fourth Eurasian Women's Forum, demonstrating a huge interest in the women's agenda of more than 70 thousand people from 89 regions of Russia, as well as compatriots living abroad took part. Broadcasts of the forum events in the social network VKontakte have collected more than one million views.
As a result of the All-Russian Women's Forum in Moscow, cooperation agreements were signed, new projects were launched, road maps for the development of light industry were formed with the direct participation of the organizers of the Eurasian Women's Forum Council projects, and a number of initiatives were formalized, including the launch of an educational project for the sustainable development of indigenous peoples of the North, Siberia and the Far East, the program “Woman Leader. Fleet Cities” program and others.
The main event for which the Council is preparing is the Fourth Eurasian Women's Forum. Its main theme is “Confidence Building and Global Cooperation.” Traditionally, it will present the results of the existing projects of the Council of the Eurasian Women's Forum, as well as present new ones.
Galina Nikolaevna noted that the agenda of the forum is almost ready. The program includes interparliamentary dialogue “Women's Mission in the formation of a new agenda of peace and trust,” an open meeting of the “Women's Twenty” (W20), the World Thematic Conference of foreign Russian compatriots, the dialogue of women of Central Asia and Russia. In total, there are 5 leading thematic tracks in the architecture of the business program.
“We are completing the formation of the program of the upcoming forum. By the end of April, the main list of speakers should be determined,” Galina Karelova concluded.